On the Importance of Quality Content

That we are, at the same time, experiencing an AI-inspired revolution of “generated” content while witnessing the banning of content from great thinkers and artists in schools and libraries across the country is not wasted on me.


It is also ironic that at a time when our future as a country depends on having an educated population, some would limit our access to the very tools we need to succeed.

Not to mention the tools we need to be responsible citizens.

For now, at least, we still have a choice about what we read and what content we consume, but it’s up to use to exercise that choice and to do the work that’s needed to find real answers and get to the bottom of things.

Looking for truth is a worthwhile endeavor and something we should all get in the habit of doing. Sometimes it’s pretty straightforward, but sometimes the truth is deeply buried under spin, propaganda, and old-fashion lies. Even so, we need to keep looking for it—I promise it’s there somewhere because no matter how people try to spin it, and no matter how often it’s twisted or shouted down, truth stands up.

We should too.


Look Toward Where You Want to Go