Celeste Tillson Celeste Tillson

On the Importance of Quality Content

That we are, at the same time, experiencing an AI-inspired revolution of “generated” content while witnessing the banning of content from great thinkers and artists in schools and libraries across the country is not wasted on me.

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Celeste Tillson Celeste Tillson

Ask the Right Questions

It’s long been established that getting the right answer is highly dependent on asking the right question.

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Celeste Tillson Celeste Tillson

Now Into Then

I read an article the other day that said when you go through a doorway, your brain essentially resets its boundaries.

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Celeste Tillson Celeste Tillson

Writing Is Work!

“I would have written you a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.”
I love this quote from Blaise Pascal. It underscores the point that writing—especially writing content that’s clear and concise—is hard work.

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Celeste Tillson Celeste Tillson

Welcome Ms. McNair!

The latest book from M.C.Tillson doesn’t have a thing to do with lighthouses!


It is, in fact, a rhyming picture book for all ages with delightful illustrations that are extremely…uh…colorable.

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